Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Thursday, April 25 financially beneficial full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio.

Thursday, April 25 financially beneficial full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio.

This is a powerful time to focus on financial matters, if you have been looking for work or planning to make a change, this could be a very significant day for you.

I personally will be using this powerful full moon energy together with my friends, whom I practice group energy work with, to bring about mutual beneficial financial situations. We will be performing an energy raising ritual together using a technique that is posted on my website here.

If any of you would like to join in with our energy work we will be doing this at 4 PM Eastern time. All you will need to do to participate in this one is to stop for a minute,
and focus on what it is you wish to manifest for yourself financially in your life.

If you would like to do some more advanced work, you can find my grounding and energy raising techniques on the following link here.

Anything involving joint finances, financial matters that include other entities,
Businesses, taxes, joint ventures of any kind are likely to be affected by this astrological occurrence.

This will most strongly affect those born under the signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.

The moon in  Scorpio will be opposing the sun in Taurus, this will have a great impact on any decisions or action made concerning stability and finances. So make your plans and/or take action during this time.
 Lunar eclipses are usually a time of powerful change.

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